Serenity Revealed

I've decided I'm in a giant time warp. I think about doing something and then I realize that it's been days or more since I thought it about it. My apologizes for not updating sooner.
I meet Serenity at my Tai Chi class. I'd been talking to the instructor about finding a roommate or a house sitter to take care of the dogs when I'm out of town or working or whatever. I thought if they could stay home it would be less stress than finding a kennel. My instructor suggested I talk to Serenity who is one of the co-instructors. He said she had just gotten out of a relationship and was looking for some place to stay.
She and I went out for coffee and found out that we like the same books and movies and had a lot in common. I took her home to meet the mutts and since they loved her too, we decided to try it out.
She works from home (She writes romance novels, I guess her latest one "On a Raven's Wing" is a big seller) and so she'll be able to take care of the dogs during the day. I hope she won't be too lonely when the dogs and I go back to Colorado to see Gage.
I'm sure she'll be around more often here and I'll update you on that. Posting will like be light for the next week or so as I get together the things I'm taking to Gage.
Puppy Love

I admit I was a bit apprehensive about the arrival of
Voltaire's puppy from
Gage. Not because of the puppy really, but because I was a little afraid that he wouldn't get along with Molokai. Wow, was I wrong. They are inseparable, I can't go anywhere with out running into both of them, and they have the tendency to always be underfoot. They're so cute though, and very cuddly. The new guy's name is Bourdain (after the chef Anthony Bourdain). If you don't like the name, blame
LadyDragonfly. After bemoaning the fact to her that I was having problems coming up with a name she made a bet with me, that if I couldn't come up with a name by the time the puppy arrived that I she would pick one out. Needless to say, I couldn't come up with anything, so there ya go.
I told her I could call him Tony, but she told me in no certain terms that wouldn't work. I have no idea why.
I've been really busy trying to find a place for Serenity to put her things. After we get her settled, I'll get around to telling the story of how we ended up as roommates. It's all very exciting. We have a whole bunch in common and she's a kick to spend time with. More on that later though. I have to run to bowling, and will try to post more then or tomorrow.
Quick Update, More by the weekend

Hi Everyone. Just a quick update to let you know that I am still alive. My camping trip was great, but I managed to accidentally delete the pictures. I had hoped to get up there again before winter set in, but no luck. I met a great girl named Serenity at Tai Chi and she's going to move in with me! She's an interesting character, apparently she's a pixie and has been alive for 200 years. How cool is that?
I'm hoping to get some pictures of us together soon. I also have pictures of my new puppy from Voltaire's litter. His name is Bourdain.
Meanwhile, here is a picture of me and LadyDragonfly at the Oregon Aquarium on our vacation.
More soon, I promise.